Elisabeth Bauer
I navigate the realms of life, expression, and emotion in my art, drawing inspiration from diverse cultures, histories, languages, spirituality, and philosophy. Rooted in introspection and societal exploration, my work is a celebration of the intricate layers that compose our shared existence.


Design Festa Gallery
June 2024, Tokyo, Japan
Part of a group exhibition at Design Festa Gallery Harajuku in Tokyo, Japan, with Art Number 23.

Past Exhibitions
Radost Advent Art Pop-up
Dec 15-16, 2023, Prague, CZ
Sep 5 - Nov, 2023, Prague, CZ
The Holy Art - New York
Oct, 2023, New York, USA
Great Portland Street - Tube station
Sep 11 - 24, 2023, London, UK
Kostel Očišťování Panny Marie
May 20, 2023, Dub nad Moravou, CZ
The Holy Art Gallery
Feb 10 - Mar 9, 2023, Athens, Greece
Harmonie Barev
Oct - Nov, 2022, Prague, CZ
Art Number 23
July 1-7, 2022, Athens, Greece
June 15-19, 2022, Gabriel Loci, Prague, CZ
June 4 - 5, 2022, Gabriel Loci, Prague, CZ
November 12-14, 2021, Gabriel Loci, Prague, CZ
Street Art

Two-tailed Mermaid Mural
Oct 2023, Heraklion, Greece
The mural is a composition of symbols and colors inspired by Cretan folk art throughout history to the last detail, especially textile art - embroidery, knitting and carpet designs. The more I found out about Cretan culture, the more I felt their strong sense of identity and individuality. Inspite of the fact that there were so many outside influences, the Cretans courage to fight for preserving it has remained strong. I am definitely coming back to this beautiful island to take more time to explore it and it's history. 💙
The double-headed eagle is a symbol from Byzantine times and the duality of the church - stretching East and West, as well as a symbol of freedom from Ottoman occupation, now a symbol of the Orthodox church. The two-tailed mermaid is from Venetian influence, and it's often also explained as being a passage between the physical and spiritual. Carnations are traditionally a symbol commonly found in Ottoman art, and in Greek Mythology they're known as the flowers of Gods. The colors I picked are inspired by Minoan frescoes, the Deep Red, Brilliant Blue, and Red Earth all form a link to the most ancient history of the island.
I painted this mural as part of the residency program of Mathew Halpin in October in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. I had the best time exploring the local culture and art scene, and got to be in this wonderful artistic space that Mathew has created. I could learn and reflect my studies into this mural, which, as Mathew put it, is like a "gift to the local community", and that was exactly what I was aiming for. The opportunity to work with Mathew has been one of a kind. His expertise and artistic insight taught me a lot and I greatly appreciate it! ✨
See more of my work and process on my Instagram @elliembauer
Get in Touch
Visit me at my studio at Dům RADOST
nám. Winstona Churchilla 2, Prague, CZ